I encourage families to STOP, be PRESENT, and CELEBRATE the relationships they often take for granted. I am passionate about creating beautiful + honest artwork for my clients.
If you have been thinking about family portraits, click here to learn more about about our unique portrait experiences.

I was heartbroken to hear the bad news, but was so honoured to be asked to be able to document this part of their families journey and for one main reason. Because she knew time was limited and this was a priority.

Kathryn and Ryan Wedding at Werribee Mansion
Starting off the formalities with their hilariously entertaining celebrant Paul Bonadio who set the mood for the wedding with his quirky and well constructed story of Ryan and Kath’s first encounter at Marquee Niteclub ensuring everyone was in fits of laughter.

The Queen of Confidence Erika – Melbourne Mummy Blogger
In a world of feel-good motivational language that creates temporary change, The Queen of Confidence (a.k.a Erika Cramer) breaks all paradigms of coaching, enabling personal transformation that is deep, unconventional and lasting. Erika makes self judgement redundant and focuses on areas of development most coaches dismiss yet where most growth occurs. It’s the middle, the void, the process of becoming. She works with women worldwide, accelerating their shifting to a space of transformational confidence and personal power.
Don’t be shy, say hello!

Melbourne Outdoor Portraits
Set on 10 acres with views of green pastures, saltbush paddocks and picture perfect grounds, this amazing property is every photographers paradise! From the moment you drive down the tree-lined driveway, you will appreciate what the rustic farm has to offer....